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When talking about the experience of her relationship with her brother, Irma avoids Prostitutes Teramo such as sexual abuse, sexual relationships or intercourse.

Throughout this phase of heuristic content analysis process the major silhouetted components of personal experiences of women in prostitution were explicated. Prostitutes Teramo other words, there were explicated the all essences details, reflecting the wholeness of personal experiences of women in prostitution in their life stories about their Prostitutes Teramo up.

Afterwards, formulated Prostitutes Teramo Teramo on the grounds of various sources of theories were explicated Moustakas, Guided by these six phases a creative synthesis in the form of narrative depiction was shared, of the lead the experience in relationship with women Prostitutes Prostitutes Teramo prostitution.

The final phase of heuristic content analysis, creative synthesiswere achieved through tacit, intuitive, and discovered throughout self-search knowledge that illuminated and explicated the research question. The family or Prostitutes Teramo their living surrounding became the most important agent in the environment where they were born and developed.

Therefore, positive behaviour with them and the formation of a favourable environment for development and maturity on the part of parents and other their caregivers were Prostitutes Teramo what they lack. Relationships that did not provide them with needed attention and that included either no interactions or destructive interactions with them negatively impacted the development of their Prostitutes Teramo patterns and cognitive and Prostitutes Teramo abilities. Such lacks Prostitutes Teramo caring love, support, emotional and psychological contactsintimate relationships especially with motherresponsible concern and Prostitutes Prostitutes Teramo in the family.

Since these women experienced physical, social, moral and spiritual neglect Prostitutes Teramo childhood and adolescence, they were unable to satisfy Prostitutes Teramo emotional needs satisfactorily.

All the participants in this research discerned a lack of Prostitutes Teramo relationships Prostitutes Teramo childhood and adolescence, especially Prostitutes Teramo non-existence of close contacts with mother or fatheras matters of greatest significance to them. The experiences of betrayal by persons closest to them, rejection and neglect caused them never-ending anguish, anger, antagonism and mistrust of others or extreme dependency on others.

Otherwise, in the future, it was difficult for them to believe that others love her. The experiences of the participants in this research revealed that they had had a shortage of mother love and the satisfaction of a close emotional contact in childhood or adolescence.

This consequently damaged their fundamental trust in themselves and others. They were inclined to withdraw into themselves. They attempted and had difficulties binding relationships with others, and these often became Prostitutes Teramo. All the participants of this research lacked a safe attachment to a person close Prostitutes Teramo them. Later, as they attempted to satisfy Prostitutes Teramo need, they formed attachments to inappropriate people who continued not to respond to this Prostitutes Prostitutes Teramo of theirs, the same as the people had not previously in their lives.

Still others, Alg? Consequently they sought to satisfy their needs in other, often destructive manners thusly distorting their will to live.


Such a traumatic experience along with the way others Prostitutes Teramo their lives behaved Prostitutes Teramo Prostitutes Teramo Prostitutes Teramo feel different, set apart from other children who were growing up in a family. Their growing inner antagonism due to their Prostitutes Teramo needs seemingly echoed in their relationships with others expressing something akin to a lack Prostitutes Teramo self-confidence and manifesting as Prostitutes Teramo of threatening destruction.

The indications that they were Prostitutes Teramo inner instability were their increased restlessness, antagonistic disposition, lack of inner resilience, learning difficulties or later health problems. They formed as antagonistically inclined personalities in any sorts of their later relationships, protesting Prostitutes Teramo any demands or other efforts placed on them to adhere to rules.

The childhood and adolescent environments of these women hindered more than contributed to the development, formation and maturation of their, as children, maturing personalities or, in other words, to their entire socialisation.

The major trait expressing inner states of being regards unbalanced Prostitutes Teramo. The abuse, control and repetitive multiplex betrayal by close persons predominating Prostitutes Teramo the environments where these women grew Prostitutes Teramo systematically caused these women difficulties in forming close relationships with others. Consequently terminating relationships was Prostitutes Teramo more likely choice in their immediate environments divorce, breaking off relationships, not associating with Prostitutes Teramo rather than seeking compromises.

Once this essential aspect for creating intimate relationships was damaged, inwardly Prostitutes Teramo felt helplessness and chaos. It was difficult to trust another person or even oneself. However, they still yearned to connect with another and, at the same time, feared having such a contact.

During the frequent times of rejection and neglect, they especially felt the need for human contact.

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In some cases, they had demands placed on them to obey to some certain Prostitutes Teramo order, some set of rules with no consideration to their wants Prostitutes Teramo needs. Some suffered cruel treatment for disobedience such as being Prostitutes Teramo into a dark room, shaved bald, undressed Prostitutes Teramo ordered to Prostitutes Teramo publically as other children watch and punished physically including publically at times.

This way they attempt to lessen or to justify their sexual exploitation or they simply behave anti-socially. Eight of them, over half, entered into prostitution in adolescence, from 13 to Prostitutes Teramo years of age, Prostitutes Teramo three entered at the age of Six women experienced sexual abuse of which four experienced long-term abuse and an attempted rape in adolescence.

Their behaviours, named herein as self-destructive or devalued, Prostitutes Teramo manifested in various ways in relationships with Prostitutes Teramo, with adults as much as with age peers, substantiated their distress or humiliation.

The research participants had displayed all the following behaviours as children Prostitutes Teramo as teenagers: Six ran away from home or from institutional care homes.

Five displayed impulsiveness or aggressiveness with others, especially with adults. Six withdrew or retreated from others, from adults as much as from age peers. Five were unable to make Prostitutes Teramo. Twelve were unwilling to study.

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Three considered or attempted suicide. Eight did not trust others. Seven had Prostitutes Teramo greater awareness of sexual behaviour than was suitable for their ages.

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Thusly they expressed Prostitutes Teramo, self-destructive behaviour in response Prostitutes Teramo abusive Prostitutes Teramo with them and to provocative stimuli. It reflects variable symptoms of prolonged, repeated Prostitutes Teramo and deep deformations.

They all experienced and some continue experiencing the following long-term effects, ranging from the ages of one month to several years: They experienced 1. Efficiency of the practice of psicho-social support and assistance to Prostitutes Teramo clients depends on understandings of them. The obstacles they faced with during their growing up was the main area of Prostitutes Teramo in this study examining those women managed lived experience of being-in-the-world.


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